Transistor Museum

Our goal was to create a digital interactive activity for all ages and skill levels to participate in. The Transistor Museum is a simplified, web-based and downloadable 3D educational game. The user can navigate between different virtual artifacts and uncover the history behind every scientific breakthrough in transistor history.

Vessels of the Stars

Vessels of the Stars is an interactive digital world where viewers explore surreal fictional environments. I worked on several aspects to bring Vessels of the Stars to life: the project itself, and the website. Project Development The process of developing Vessels of the Stars in Unity and Visual Studio. Website Designing and publishing the website.

Critter Sauga

Created for Mississauga’s Smart City Initiative, Critter Sauga is an Augmented Reality (AR) interactive installation featuring life-sized, abstract sculptures of wild animals in Mississauga, constructed out of waste and recyclables.

Vessels of the Stars Website

Vessels of the Stars is an interactive digital world developed in the Unity engine. It is an exploratory, meditative surreal environment available for PC and Mac.

Arena of the Mad King Website

My RolesWeb Design, Graphic Design, Illustration Tools I UsedFigma, Overview Arena of the Mad King is a digital PC game project that I began developing in June 2020. It is a fantasy action game with a retro, grimdark theme. It currently has a free demo available. However, it needed an online presence containing information, … Read More

Manor Wrecker

A destructive walking sim game developed in Unity. Progress through the puzzles of each room in order to escape.

FamliNet: Motion Graphics

I created several motion graphics for FamliNet using Adobe Illustrator and After Effects. These animations were utilized on FamliNet’s website and social media in 2020.

TwitterverseVR Home screen.

What Would Twitter Look like in VR?

I imagine the “Twitterverse” to be a place where the user is surrounded by a large, stylized virtual forest. Navigating through the Twitterverse would transport the user to different locations throughout the forest. The user is greeted by an elegant splash screen with choices to either log in or create a new account. The feed … Read More